Monday, December 22, 2008

Stinkin' Awesome!

Ok, So I don't have any pictures to include in the blog currently, but I hope to soon. It has been stinkin' awesome to be a part of what's going on here the past week or so. The showing of support from the Body of Christ around the nation and even around the world has been tremendous. An arsonist attempts to burn down our building and it draws us together like never before. In the last few days we have recieved THOUSANDS of letters, cards, emails, and phone calls expressing support. It's been really cool. We're looking at posting these on a wall in our church so that people in the congregation can get an opportunity to read what others are sending us. As soon as that happens, I'll take a picture and post it on the blog. Anyway...

For those of you wondering, our church building is doing fairly well. It looks like a yard sale in portions of it, with items being sorted and salvaged as much as possible, but it's making progress. And just so you know... My print made it through the fire unscathed! WOOHOO!


Leslie said...

that is awesome news...i am so glad to hear it