Last night we were at a training retreat for youth leaders at our church. It was held at a beautiful B&B in Big Lake, Alaska. The evening was gorgeous, and I had to sit in wonder at God's creation. In particular the thing that struck me was Denali. I think this is the first time that I've had a clear view of the mountain this summer. (It's been a cold, wet one.) And I was once again reminded, as the sun was sinking low on the horizon, at the immensity of our Creator. I mean, as an example, the picture below was taken on the bank of Big Lake, roughly 200-250 miles away from Denali. (That's like seeing a mountain in Asheville, NC from Raleigh or a mountain in Portland from Seattle.) The God that created Denali, and our world as a whole, is so far beyond what I can truly grasp, it's humbling. And so, I enjoyed taking a few minutes to gaze at Denali and sit in wonder at my Creator and Savior.

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