Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Today was a historic day! It will be interesting to see what God has in store for the next few years. And I cannot help but take a moment to make a few observations.
First, it speaks VOLUMES about our country that we have finally come to the point where we have our first black President-elect. MLK Jr's I Have A Dream speech comes to mind.
Second, there seems to be a disproportionate level of despondancy among some segments of American Christians and a disproportionate level of elation among other segments. In response, I would simply ask, "In what do we place our trust... a political office, or the gospel?" Just a question. (I would point out that when offered all the kingdoms of the earth Jesus declined. He seemed to think ultimate victory was not determined by political power but rather by the power of the gospel to transform hearts and lives. Additionally, I don't remember political office being listed in the armor of God. I also think I remember something in Corinthians about how the real war is not for political office, but against philosophical strongholds, arguments, and worldviews set up against the knowledge of God. I digress...)
Third, regardless of whether you are happy because "change is coming" or you're down because it's not the change you were hoping for, I would simply point out that the Bible seems to make it pretty clear that before the end things are going to get MUCH worse than they have been over the last eight years or will be in the next four years in America. With that in mind... no matter how bad it gets before the end, I simply encourage you to remember the message of Revelation... Ultimately... Jesus wins!
Anyway, I'll leave those of you who read this blog to either keep partying or to continue your mourning. Of course... maybe it's more important to continue our praying and sharing of the gospel.
Ashley, that's very well put.
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