Thursday, November 27, 2008

Passion - Kutless

So, I went ahead and placed a few new items on the blog.

First, I updated my favorite book list. It has links to get some reviews and summaries and such. The one thing I would say is that "Starship Troopers" really is much more than what the title, cover, and summary would suggest. It's actually a treatise on civic duty in novel form. It's a really good book and a fast read. I would make it part of any class, high school or college, that I taught on government and civics. So in this instance the proverb, "Don't judge a book by its cover" is accurate.

Also, I placed two playlists on the sidebar. I always have music playing, even if only in my mind, and thought it might be a little fun to share some samples of the music I've enjoyed as of late. As a point of clarification... no, not all the bands are "Christian." However, they are all bands that operate from a Christian worldview. In the words of Lacey Mosley, the lead singer for Flyleaf, when she was asked if they are a 'Christian band'... "We all share the same faith. And so when we deal with the whole 'Christian band thing,' we kind of think about something P.O.D. says, like, 'If you're a Christian, it affects everything in your life. So if you're a plumber, does that make you a Christian plumber?' I don't know the answer. We're a band, it's part of who we are, so it comes out in our music, and it's the fuel for what we do. And finding faith saved my life. So I'm not ashamed of it at all. And most of our album reflects that."

MAN... I hope more bands come out with that mindset, whether they're writing praise songs or jsut some fun stuff to listen to! (Oh, and if you're interested in some other music that is a variety of mellow stuff that has a little different vibe, check out the playlist on my wife's blog. It's some good stuff, too.)

Anyway, I thought I'd also include for your reading enjoyment the lyrics from one of the songs that many of you are less likely to have heard. (It doesn't really get play on either mainstream radio - lyrics, you know - or on your average KLOVE Christian radio station - beat, you know.) It's the song "Passion" by Kutless.

Within my mind's eye
Flickering from the past
Come images that terrify and calm
A paradox in me

Nail pierced hands they run with blood
A splitting brow forced by the thorns
His face is writhing with the pain yet it's comforting to me

He chose to give it all
Jesus endured the pain
Paying a debt I owed and created a paradox in me

Nail pierced hands they run with blood
A splitting brow forced by the thorns
His face is writhing with the pain yet it's comforting to me

And in my heart I know that you're the only one
Who could of came and died, a sacrifice
As your God's only son

Nail pierced hands they run with blood
A splitting brow forced by the thorns
His face is writhing with the pain yet it's comforting to me